Permanent Otis Jackson Committee Bylaws

ArticlePermanent Otis Jackson Committee

Pursuant to the terms agreed by the Rotary Club of Buckhead, the Otis Jackson Scholarship Trust, and the Buckhead Rotary Foundation as a requisite of the merger of the Otis Jackson Trust Fund and the Buckhead Rotary Foundation, the Rotary Club of Buckhead permanently amends its By Laws to maintain a Permanent Otis Jackson Committee, not subject to any otherwise specified committee requirements. This Committee shall elect its own chair, and shall consist of not less than three members of the Rotary Club of Buckhead. selected by the Committee and approved by the Club President. It is a hybrid committee with club members under the authority of the Buckhead Rotary Foundation.

The Otis Jackson Scholarship Committee shall: a) Be responsible for preparing the annual scholarship application, and coordination of applications from eligible Oglethorpe University students. b) Be responsible for reviewing all applications and conducting interviews of the finalists and select the annual scholarship recipient, subject to the approval of the Trustees of the Buckhead Rotary Foundation. The applications, selection and award must be made within the terms contained in the Articles of Incorporation of the Buckhead Rotary Foundation. These include the selection criteria of the applicant's character, leadership, scholarship, and athletic ability. c) Be responsible for maintaining contact with the Otis Jackson scholars throughout the year, and seek to increase the scholar's participation in club activities, meetings, and social functions. d) Continue to update and report to the club on the status of the scholarship program to assure that it continues to be promoted as one of the club's signature programs. e) Maintain regular communications with Oglethorpe University, the Rotary Club of Buckhead, and the Buckhead Rotary Foundation.

NoteApproved by the Board at its regular meeting on March 16, 2015, Entered by J Dykes with the approval of C. MacKenzie, club Secretary.
UserJohn Dykes
Revision DateApr 19, 2015

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