First Thursday Social - Head Cam Video

Our Socials in the past were not well attended.  One of the reasons why - there was no consistency on when we would get together.  My Tina came up with the idea of "First Thursday Social".  This way everyone would remember the Day. 

I attempted to create some excitement and fun with something completely nuts by by putting a bicycle helmet on my head, putting a go-pro camera on top of my helmet, and calling  it, "Head Cam Video".

I advertised this stunt and I had many in my club interested in seeing if this knucklehead (me) would actually put this on in public.  While the attendance and buzz was a success and we a had larger crowd than ever before, it was too hard to interview someone without shaking your head and having the camera move.

In the end, Head Cam Video was a success and helped propel us with more attendance at socials and members letting their hair down with relaxed meetings. 

Please see the video of this event that we presented at our Club Meeting.