CPR/AED Training in North Fulton

On May 17, 2024, one of our club's founding members suffered a cardiac arrest while enjoying a spirited game of pickleball. Fortunately, a nearby pickleball-playing and trained civilian along with a fast responding Fire Department were able to administer CPR and apply an AED (automated external defibrillator). This quick response, combined with proper training and equipment, saved his life; fortunately, the vital AED was only 45 yards away. 

This frightening incident inspired a collaborative project to help the North Fulton Community in the following ways:

(a) increase general awareness of this significant health risk, especially among people who exercise and play sports

(b) increase citizen participation in life-saving CPR training and train them on how to use an AED device

(c) increase the availability of AEDs in North Fulton cities

Many people who had CPR training over 10 years ago were unaware that the protocols had changed. Additionally, many had never been trained in the use of an AED unit. As a result, even when an AED device was nearby, bystanders were often intimidated to use one. This highlighted a critical need for broader education. 

After receiving approval for a collaborative grant of $5000, the project committee determined how best to maximize the grant dollars. AEDs typically cost between $1200 and $2500. It was decided that we would offer a "rebate" or "grant" to businesses that purchased an AED. A video was created, featuring our club's cardiac arrest survivor, to explain the importance of having an AED nearby that could be shared with businesses. We were able to add 12 new AED units in the North Fulton community in locations that include fitness centers, daycares, high schools (near practice fields), a 55+ HOA, and even a nature center. In addition, by working closely together with the Alpharetta Department of Public Safety on this initiative, the City has ordered 70 new AED units to replace and supplement older ones throughout the city. 

We have held 21 CPR/AED instructional classes in the cities of Alpharetta, Milton, Johns Creek and Sandy Springs, collaborating with their Fire Departments.  Two of our club members have become certified instructors to increase our ability to reach the community with this important education. We have trained over 400 individuals so far and are scheduled to reach an additional 600 before the end of May. 

Rotary Club of North Fulton invested $1800 to purchase adult and infant training mannequins as well as AED training devices. This, along with the club's two certified instructors, will allow the club to continue providing free training in the community as an ongoing service project. Even one life saved by Rotary-sponsored CPR training or AED availability provides an infinite return on investment! 

Partner Involvement
This project was funded by a District Collaborative Grant for the five North Fulton Clubs: -Rotary Club of Alpharetta -Rotary Club of Johns Creek - North Fulton -Rotary Club of North Fulton -Rotary Club of Roswell -Rotary Club of Sandy Springs

CPR at 55 plus HOA

CPR at 55 plus HOA

CPR at 55 plus HOA.jpeg

CPR at 55 plus HOA.jpeg

CPR at City Hal

CPR at City Hall

CPR at Alpharetta City Hall.jpg

CPR at Alpharetta City Hall.jpg

CPR Teachers & Rotarians

CPR Teachers & Rotarians

Wellstar CPR.JPG

Wellstar CPR.JPG

How to Use an AED

How to Use an AED

CPR 2 - Copy.jpg

CPR 2 - Copy.jpg

Rotarian Led CPR Training

Rotarian led CPR Training

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CPR Class.jpeg

Save the Babies

Save the Babies

Baby CPR.jpg

Baby CPR.jpg

Synergy Fitness AED

Synergy Fitness AED

Synergy Fitness AED.jpg

Synergy Fitness AED.jpg

Synergy Fitness Rebate Check

Synergy Fitness Rebate Check

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Synergy Fitness.jpg

Welcome to CPR Training

Welcome to CPR Training

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CPR signage.jpg

Wellstar Saturday

Wellstar Saturday

CPR at Wellstar Saturday.jpg

CPR at Wellstar Saturday.jpg